Fujimori Shrine at this timing is famous for its hydrangea garden. However this year there seems to be few flowers. So unfortunately we cannot recommend it much.
Hydrangea garden at Fujinomori Jinjya Shrine in Fushimi area.

Fujimori Shrine at this timing is famous for its hydrangea garden. However this year there seems to be few flowers. So unfortunately we cannot recommend it much.
This white noble flower called “Cape jasmine” in English is also many planted as street trees in downtown Kyoto. And now is the flowering season. It is a sweet and rich fragrant flower.
If you visit “Sanjusangendo Temple” or “Kyoto National Museum”, stop by this “Chishaku-in Temple” as well. Hydrangea is at its best now.
If you visit Heian jingu Shrine, let’s also enter the garden. You can enjoy Japanese style gardens and flowers of the four seasons.
The garden of “Umenomiya Taisha Shrine” is famous for enjoying the seasonal flowers.
Now Iris (Japanese name: Hana-shobu) and hydrangea also is coming up.
Syodenji – also “Shakkei” of Mt. Hiei.
And also David Bowie loved.
This temple was originally built as an emperor’s villa, making use of the scenery of Mt. Hiei as it is in the scenery of the garden.
Shisendo temple is one of Satsuki-azalea’s most famous spots in Kyoto.
Not bad to leave the Kyoto basin and visit the spacious Lake Biwa sometimes. Omi-maiko beach is still off season. But, walking or sunbathing there are awesome.
“Tofukuji temple” is one of the oldest and largest monasteries in Japan. And the wooden bridge with roof crossing the valley in the precinct which is wrapped with about 2 thousand maple trees is called “Tuten-kyo bridge”, and is very famous as a sight for autumn leaves.