After the solemn “Daimonji Bon Fire”, a colorful evening event has come to Shimogamo jinja Shrine. Aug 17 – Sep 02, 2018.
Light Festival at Shimogamo Jinja Shrine.

After the solemn “Daimonji Bon Fire”, a colorful evening event has come to Shimogamo jinja Shrine. Aug 17 – Sep 02, 2018.
Mitarashi Matsuri is the shinto ritual to pray for good health and longevity with a candle by immersing your feet in the water of the pond in the precinct at the Shimogamo Jinjya Shrine.
Fujimori Shrine at this timing is famous for its hydrangea garden. However this year there seems to be few flowers. So unfortunately we cannot recommend it much.
If you visit Heian jingu Shrine, let’s also enter the garden. You can enjoy Japanese style gardens and flowers of the four seasons.
The garden of “Umenomiya Taisha Shrine” is famous for enjoying the seasonal flowers.
Now Iris (Japanese name: Hana-shobu) and hydrangea also is coming up.
The iris which has been crowded in this pond since ancient times has reached today with being loved by people and protected.
Ancient horse race that started at the Kamigamo shrine from 1093 AD and came 925th this year
On the mountain of silence, a sacred shrine stands decorated with Iris japonica.
“Jonangu Shrine” is one of the famous spots for wisteria in Kyoto.
Wow, hurry to go see! They are already in full bloom.